Rhetoric@Reno invites you to attend “Capitalism, Climate, and Public Discourse: The Limits and Possibilities of Rhetorical Invention,” a one-day symposium held in conjunction with a public lecture by Naomi Klein about her recent book This Changes Everything: Capitalism Versus the Climate. The symposium speakers are comprised of 16 nationally recognized scholars from English, rhetoric, and communication programs from across the country who have worked directly or tangentially on climate or capitalism as well as those who have expertise in movement politics and institutional critique, all themes found in Klein’s book. Using Klein’s book as a common text, four thematically focused panels will discuss 1) the relationship between knowledge production and public policy; 2) social movement strategizing; 3) the critique and construction of alternative institutional spaces; and 4) the relationship between the economy and discursive production. Though each panel will foster important academic debate in particular areas of rhetorical study, the symposium will more broadly address the role of the critical rhetorician as public intellectual and critically explore the ethical responsibilities of the University in knowledge and cultural production.
Panels and Speakers
Rhetoric, Science, and Public Deliberation
Publics, Counterpublics, and Social Activism
Rhetoric and Institutional Critiques
Rhetoric and Political Economy
Quick Reference
Dates: February 11-12, 2016
Naomi Klein Public Lecture: Thursday, February 11 Nightingale Auditorium 7pm
Sympoisum: Friday, February 12 Mathewson IGT Knowledge Center Rotunda 8am
Location: University of Nevada, Reno
Video Recordings of the Symposium: